Saturday, October 31, 2015

Adobe & Futurecasting

Often we wonder "what's next?" in our chosen profession, and the consensus seems to be "video", in one form or another. I just finished a 25 minute Ken-Burns-esque video for a client that I am delivering this week, which uses 400 stills from 5,000+ images from a recent assignment. In addition, we've integrated video capabilities into our service offerings to clients in DC, but the uptake on that segment of our business - at least right now - is minimal.

When we ask Adobe "what's next?" for upcoming versions of software, they demur and don't answer, or they are coy about exactly what will be next in a roundabout way, with a wink and a nod. Here though, is a cool video that demonstrates what they're working on over at Adobe - an example of the increased openness we're seeing from the company. This, I believe, is a good thing.

Interactive Video Object Manipulation from Dan Goldman on Vimeo.

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