Tuesday, November 24, 2015

FotoQuote 6: A Worthwhile Upgrade

Like fine wine, a new version of FotoQuote has been highly anticipated, but Cradoc, the programs' creator, on the verge of releasing the software last year, opted to do more research and has finally released the fruits of that labor, in FotoQuote 6. (Click images to see larger)

Now with 304 categories, meticulously researched, this software, that was the gold standard already, has reached a new level.

One of the criticisms of FotoQuote whenever someone recommends it is leveled by people who think the rates are too high (they are not), is that the figures in FotoQuote do not take into account the world of microstock pricing. The fact of the matter is, they have and they do.
(Continued after the Jump)

These days, I am seeing more and more inquiries about all manner of digital use. Not to worry - the new version has a huge category of TV variations, as well as the use of the images in e-mails and marketing.

Yes, I know they advertise on this blog, but I would be strongly recommending this software (or the upgrade if you already have it) whether or not that was the case.

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