Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Getty Makes More Cuts

Sources are telling Photo Business News that Getty Images has laid off their entire creative department in Los Angeles, although the LA office remains open - likely with editors, photographers, and sales people still hanging in there.

However, that was a part of a much more global round of layoffs. While we are prepared for this to be a typo, the layoffs in the Los Angeles office are a part of another global round of layoffs purported to be, once again, over 100. Just 10 days ago we reported (5% Of Our Workforce Will Be Asked to Leave Getty Images, 3/16/09), 110 layoffs, and it is unclear if the layoffs in LA were a formal "layoff" as opposed to the "asked to leave" approach. I can't believe that Getty would confirm 10 days ago that 110 people were being "asked to leave", only to follow 10 days later with actual layoffs of them, or, frankly, of another 100+. While we are working to confirm which way this wind is blowing, we will put it out to the masses for discussion since we can confirm the LA creative department layoffs for sure.
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