Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Post-Inaugural Wrap-Up - Part 1

For those of you who didn't make the trip to DC to make photographs of the "big day", and who likely enjoyed it from the warm and toasty comfort of your own home, skipping the frigid weather and long hours, here's your chance to see it up-close and personal.

Photographer David Bergman posted his 1,474MP panoramic image on his blog, in an article - How I Made a 1,474-Megapixel Photo During President Obama’s Inaugural Address, and it's well worth a view. In it, It's so detailed that I can see myself all the way across the podium area, with my multi-camera setup (more on that in Part 2), and you can see that I'm not wearing a hat, it's that sharp.

During the event, I went around and did several interviews of people, and I wish I had known about Berman's project, as I would have tried to make it up to his position, except I might have been thwarted because I didn't have the right overlay. Part 3 of the wrap-up will have those interviews.
(comments, if any, after the Jump)

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