Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Souza Rounds Out His White House Photo Team

Gathering a team of photographers who you trust is one of the key factors in hiring the people who are working for you, and Pete Souza certainly had his pick of whomever he wanted to round out his team.

In this photograph from our archives, the caption reads:

Lawrence Jackson (left) of the Associated Press, Chuck Kennedy (center) of Knight Ridder Tribune, and Pete Sousa (right) of the Chicago Tribune (right) pass the time in their position across from the Presidential Reviewing Stand on Pennsylvania Avenue during the Presidential Inaugural Parade celebrating the 2004 Inauguration of President George Bush's second term.
Here Souza is with what will become his future team (minus the third photographer - Samantha Appleton, who will primarily cover the First Lady) that he has chosen to help him document history, photographed passing the time in-front of their new office, four years earlier.

I am friends with both Jackson and Kennedy, and know both of them to be great people who will approach the task with the same historical mindset that Souza has laid out for his role there.

Congratulations to Chuck and Lawrence and best wishes in your new endeavor!

(Continued after the Jump)

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