Wednesday, November 25, 2015

TIPS60 - The importance of having disability insurance

Here is another of our videos offering tips and inisights into the business of photography. a transcript of the video is included after the jump.

(Continued after the Jump)

TRANSCRIPT:Here are a few thoughts on disability insurance. I'm John Harrington. Disability insurance both short-term disability and long-term disability is something that you should have as a part of your kind of business package of insurance as a photographer. Frankly, for any business where you have the option you should take disability insurance. Should you become disabled for three weeks, a month, six months, or a year, having disability insurance allows for you to have an ongoing stream of income from that insurance policy while you're recuperating, while you're recovering, so that you can get back to work. So that you don't have to actually sell-off assets in order to pay your bills and just generally lets you stay within the house that you have you know, other accommodations, things to provide for your family. Having disability insurance, comparable to long term care insurance, but just kind of a different flavor is something you should look into. Talk to your accountant about the tax deductability of it, but it's not that much and generally speaking it's less than $100 a month.

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