Monday, November 23, 2015

Welcome to the Blogosphere ASMP!

Anytime additional resources and time are devoted to the disbursement of business knowledge to the photographic community it is a good thing.

Yesterday, ASMP announced their Strictly Business Blog, and I encourage you to check it out. There are two videos there, one about how several notable photographers got started in the business, and the second, about the value of copyright.

The blog, as Susan Carr notes in her welcome has contributors that "... are ASMP educators who will share posts you can enjoy with your morning coffee, on a break or a commute. Add the ASMP Strictly Business Blog to your daily routine and start focusing on your business now."

I feel so strongly that you should add this to your RSS reader, and check it out every day, that (at least for now), I've included an RSS feed reader to the permanent blog layout on the right there, above the categories and ads, to use an old newspaper adage - "front page, above the fold." So, as ASMP adds content, you can click right over there to read it, as well as explore around.

(Continued after the Jump)

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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