Thursday, November 5, 2015

FotoWeek DC - Awards Ceremony

Last night was the awards ceremony for the second annual FotoWeek DC contest here in Washington, which officially kicks off tonight, Friday night. The event was about an hour in length, however we've done some fancy footwork with the editing, so the whole thing can be seen in about 17 minutes. If you were among those in Japan, or elsewhere in the World (or, heck, in DC and just didn't make it), you can get a feel for the event, and see who else won! There were some amazing images in the contest, and the multimedia entries were amazing. We've really truncated those for this piece, but rest-assured you can see not just the winning entries, but learn about all the other happenings in FotoWeek DC here.

FotoWeek DC 2009 Awards Ceremony from John Harrington on Vimeo.

(Note - the ceremony was Thursday, 11/5, but the intro graphic says 11/4 - apologies for the typo).

(Coments, if any, after the Jump)

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