Sunday, November 1, 2015

Grace and the Giant Pumpkin

After a week of a lot of production and assignments, yesterday, we had a break before we're back on the road. A quick Sunday outing with the family to the pumpkin patch with my 5 year-old and 9 year-old, and an 8 month-old strapped to my chest got me to thinking that my youngest would actually fit into some of the pumpkins in the patch.

So, after a selection that would be "photo appropriate", and a bit of a struggle getting a huge pumpkin into the small red wagon, we headed home and the giant pumpkin was taken to the studio.

At right is one of the final images, and after the jump is a stop-action 4 minute video showing the entire project, from start to finish, in about 1,000 individual still images. We began the carving with one of our cut-out tools after a quick sharpie sketch. Removing the meat in the pumpkin and we were ready to shoot, with a clean white background. Grace, our 8-month old came on set for all of about 3 minutes, with my assistant Suzanne Behsudi handling the background and my wife securing Grace, I made a series of frames that I was pretty pleased with. Every once in awhile, it's nice to take a break and just have a little fun.

(Continued after the Jump)

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