Monday, November 16, 2015

"5 percent of our workforce, will be asked to leave Getty Images"

In an internal e-mail being sent out, Getty Images has announced "Today we are announcing that approximately 110 employees globally, which is roughly 5 percent of our workforce, will be asked to leave Getty Images".

We recently wrote about planned departures because of the Getty aquisition of JupiterImages (Boo Hoo, and Buh-Bye, 3/5/09) but the announcements' wording is interesting to parse.
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"Asked to leave"? Is that a polite way of saying they're being laid off? Or, is it that Getty is asking for people to volunteer to leave, and if so, are they offering packages for that voluntary departure? If I were a Getty employee, I would surely be posing the "what's in it for me if I volunteer to leave" question, and if you are being laid off, be sure to go and file for unemployment.

Make no mistake about this - this trend will continue.

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