Monday, November 23, 2015

Pricing & Negotiating Photography - One Solution

When I find programs that I think are worthwhile, I send them your direction, and such is the case with Pricing and Negotiating, ASMP's program featuring Susan Carr on pricing, and Blake Discher on negotiating. While the schedule of where they will be can be found here, next weekend - May 30th, they will be in Richmond Virginia giving a Saturday morning presentation. Here are the details for that:
(Continued after the Jump)

What Do I Charge?

Susan Carr presents a candid discussion on licensing and pricing your work.

Seminar topics:
  • What you need to know about copyright.
  • A real world look at how to license photography.
  • Why are copyright, licensing and pricing connected?
  • Pricing models.

  • Learn the steps to determining what to charge.
  • Selling your price.

I Stink At Negotiating

Join Blake Discher for his highly acclaimed “Strictly Business 2” lecture on how to win jobs.

Seminar topics:
  • Learn how to prepare for a negotiation.
  • Researching the client.
  • Increasing your clout.
  • Listening skills.
  • When is it time to walk away?
  • The follow-up is critical.
This will be four hours of packed information that will be well worth your while to attend. You can register by clicking here.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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