Sunday, November 15, 2015

REMINDER: NPPA's Northern Short Course THIS WEEK! (DC/Virginia area)

Where else can you sit in a classroom of 50 or so people and learn from Julianne Kost? These days, nowhere. Talks at big national conferences put her on stage with 500+ seats, and good luck getting a question in with that size crowd. Oh, and she's talking TWICE - once about Lightroom (info here), and once about Photoshop (info here).

How about learning about the integration of stills and audio (info here)? Learning Final Cut Pro from a still photographers' standpoint? (Intro info here, advanced info here). Getting work from NGO's (here), How about SEO and web marketing?

How about listening as Stephen Crowley, a Pulitzer Prize winner talks about his work? Or Jason Reed from Reuters? How about Gail Fisher, senior editor at National Geographic, talking about what working for the yellow box is like?

If you're so inclined, I too will be speaking twice - same program - Thursday morning, and Friday afternoon, (info here) as well as moderating a panel discussion (more here) on being laid-off or having taken a buyout, and surviving in the freelance world Friday around 1.

The schedule of programs is here. You can learn more about the NSC here, and with online registration now closed, walk-in registrations are now how you'll need to get signed up, beginning this Thursday morning.
(Comments, if any, after the Jump)

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