Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Flash Bus - Coming (likely) to a city near you!

I'll admit that my speedlight knowledgebase is lighter than what I know about studio and location lighting that travel in large flight cases, and, in fact, the first time I tried wirelessly using a second speedlight that talked to the one I had on my camera, I was pleasantly surprised with the results. So, when I learned about this upcoming workshop, I was excited about the opportunity to engorge the thinner areas of my lighting knowledge, and get insights into the speedlight mystique.

Lighting gurus David Hobby (also known as "The Strobist") and the legendary Joe McNally have teamed up to visit 29 cities in 6 weeks, all to speak the gospel of speedlight salvation (from heavy cases with excess baggage charges!).

So, check out The Flash Bus Tour 2011 and make a point of taking this day-long presentation, I guarantee it will be worth it!

Cities They're hitting:

(Comments, if any, after the Jump)

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