Monday, November 9, 2015

The Northern Short Course - Approaching Fast

Each year for almost a decade now, I have cleared my calendar mid-March and made my way to wherever the NPPA's Northern Short Course is being held to volunteer and make my presentations on the business of photography, and I've done so pre-dating my book's publication. This year, it's in my own back-yard, just a few miles from home, March 19th, 20th, and 21st, in McLean Virginia (map).

It's an amazing three days, and this year, Adobe guru Julieanne Kost (at left) will be giving two presentations - one on Lightroom (info here) and one on Photoshop (info here).

I have a presentation that is the same on Thursday and Friday (info here) on business and negotiating, and my friend and colleague Bill Foster is giving two talks (#1 here, #2 here) on getting your web pages ranked (a.k.a. search-engine-optimization) which will be well worth attending. I am eager to check out the video presentations, too.

Register Today. Register Now.
(Continued after the Jump)

In addition, Friday I will be moderating a panel on what to do if you've been laid-off or have taken a buy-out, with several people with different experiences participating, so that should be interesting.

Saturday will showcase several notable photographers - Melissa Lyttle (photographer and blogger - A Photo A Day), Brenda Ann Kenneally (Pulitzer nominee), Stephen Katz (2008 Photographer of the Year), and Scott Anger (25-year veteran photographer and Director of Video for the LA Times).

Register Today. Register Now.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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