Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Extreme Skin-Flint

Sometimes you can't make this stuff up. Our "Skin-flint" for today is one spa in the Palm Springs area.

You must:
1) Shoot stills and some short video
2) Competing against another photographer, who is female for "a range of insight", on the same day, using the same models
3) Have "great eyes"
4) Willing to work in exchange for trade only
5) If male, cannot use the trade alone
6) Must shoot quickly

Oh, and "...the photographer is able to work nude or top free and sarong as this is A nude shoot and the staff of -X- is also all female,top free or nude etc and there are Never any single men on the property."

Again - You MUST work nude, or (and I am presuming this applies only to women) top free and a sarong.

The ad, and link, after the jump.
(Continued after the Jump)

Until such time as the fountain of humor (which would actually be funny if some of the postings they had weren't serious) that is Craigslist ceases to publish these things, we will continue to have a chuckle at the ends to which some clients will go (and, yes, likely, some photographers too) to get work for free and cheap.

Here's the listing (until someone flags it):

FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER FOR spa resort shoot (palm springs)

Reply to: job--x-x-x-x--@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-02-10, 12:01PM PST

The -X- awarded resort is seeking a female photographer for our annual spa resort shoot -This is going to be a Nude shoot !
This spa has many accolades and awards and is a nude spa hotel and club too-

There are never any single men on the property at sea mountain spa
The x-x-x-x-x-- inn is located in DHS minutes from Palm Springs California

If you know couples or models who want to be part of this let us know-! Their compensation is also $1200 in trade and use of photos.Let them know too

We seek updated images for our web site www.-x-x-x-x--.com and some short video for flash movie for smi resort www.-x-x-x-x--.com

You as the photographer, may also KEEP and Exploit the images that you take in any way you deem fit for the future-the photos should be not too posed although you as an artist may chose to pick some and make for creative cool art shots.
We are showing the resort as a Nude spa resort and club and also need shots of implied nudity too.We have a pool and spa and gardens and a 24 hour dance club and 4 star hotel rooms too that need to be shot.

There will be other female photographer on the property on that day as we seek a range of insight -The images you take are yours too for your sales or portfolio. The models are also keeping photos too

The spa hotel is also offering to YOU $1200 of spa trade which is two midweek VIP nights food and drinks too for two persons and two day spas eve spas any time in exchange for the shooting of these images for us and delivery of photos. We will have open model releases of all models.The trade is worth more then $1200

We should have at least 10 to 15 couples and mostly females available for the shoot that day -We do need to shoot quickly as there cannot be other hotel guests on the property and are shooting for the 8 am Monday March 2-SO the shoot might be 2 hour MAX- march 2 monday at 8 am shoot

There may be room at the hotel the night prior if you are coming from a distance and should know more about this soon too.

We are seeking Great eyes- We also ,since we are a nude resort need to know the photographer is able to work nude or top free and sarong as this is A nude shoot and the staff of SMI is also all female,top free or nude etc and there are Never any single men on the property. -X- is for couples and women only no single men -

It's the vibe thing as we want to photographer to blend with all of this . Thus the photographer must be comfortable with this -

This is in NO way a sex shoot! look at our site for samples and accolades asap!

send link to your work your resume photo etc.

Thank You

-x-x-x-x-- spas

This is here in large part for your humorous consumption. Yet, the sad reality is that SOMEONE will likely do this.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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