Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Google Analytics 'Missing Manual'

Google Analytics is one of the best things since sliced bread. What if, though, you could see that bread through the plastic wrap, but could only get at a few morsels simply because you couldn't figure out the twist-tie? The folks at PhotoShelter have unlocked the secrets of Google Analytics - for the first time that we know of - with their free eBook explaining how to maximize the GA tools at your disposal.
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While the PS guide was written after months of research, and follows on their leading role in search engine optimization for the content they host for photographers, the tools and explanations are easily translated to most anyone using GA.

Almost 50 pages of content in total, spread across 3 files that comprise the e-Book, they break down and explain, in easy to understand terms, just how to maximize Google's free analytics tool. Not enough? PhotoShelter CEO Allen Murabayashi is doing a series of free webinars about their efforts and results.

How do you get the free Google Analytics for Photographers e-Book? Click here and enter your e-mail address. I promise it will be worth it!

What is Google Analytics? PhotoShelter CEO Allen Murabayashi explains it best "Smart photographers are realizing that a website is much more than just a digital portfolio where you show pretty pictures, but rather a powerful marketing tool that requires constant optimization,” he explains. “When a photographer adds Google Analytics, they gain the same type of data that the world’s greatest marketing organizations are using to make their websites more effective.” The PhotoShelter press release gives you more information - "With the insights from Google Analytics, photographers can easily determine the best sources of website traffic, top performing marketing investments, search keywords used by visitors, most engaging content, why visitors are leaving, and more. Used properly, Google Analytics data can help photographers dramatically improve their website performance and make critical decisions that grow their businesses."

Thus, in a nutshell, a website without Googles' free Analytics is like making pictures and guessing if the focusing ring is in the right place or not. Not partaking in this, and the rest of the free photoshelter research would be a fireable offense if you weren't self-employed.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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